New Great Awakening Video

I just want to give Glory to God!!! I am the one who has been forgiven MUCH and was on 40-45 pills a day w/around 11 diagnosed physical disabilities; depressed; divorced raising 3 daughters w/no child support (adopted, molested, raped, abused father and husband); my mother went to Jesus, no longer able to work; to say I was depressed is mild. I went to Church of Christ as a child…my mom a believer. I gave my heart back to Jesus in Aug/04 – healed & filled w/Holy Spirit 2/4/05 – volunteer secretary now at Church In Action in Arnold, Mo (Pastor Darnell & Rochelle West); learning and maturing, going wherever the Holy Spirit leads me. Keep Spreading The Joy!!! I Love You, Brother!!!

I was really touched by your revival over the past week in St. Louis. I went out to the retirement homes with one of your teams and God used me in a miraculous way! I witnessed to sixteen people and fourteen gave their lives to the Lord and one recommitted her life. I was so excited about what happened that day, that same night as I went to work I lead 5 of my co-workers to the Lord and one of them came to church with me and responded to your alter call. But that no it, the next night while I was at work at Schnooks a couple of Hispanic couples came in to shop, I Followed them outside and led them to the Lord also and even the next day after that I led another customer to the Lord, he came up to me and said thank you very much and asked if I had another soul winning script because he has a wife and kids at home. In the last three days God has used me to lead twenty-five people to the Lord and it feels great. I attend Life Christian Church and I have been inviting these families to attend one of our services, please pray for me with these individuals and their families that they would let God continue to move in their hearts! I appreciate everything you have done to help plant that seed of saving souls inside of me. Thanks!