Brittany A. Testimony

God has had me on a fast track for the past three years.  I was crying out to God and he literally ripped me out of the mess I was in. In the beginning it was not a fun ride. I was a drug dealer and an addict for seven years. I was severely addicted to men.  On December 8, 2008 I got arrested for selling drugs.  It turns out that those men in the uniforms were actually angels with badges.   I went to jail for a year and on my court date I was sentenced to Drug Rehabilitation program for a year.  I went to a faith based program at New Beginnings in Martin, Georgia. About three months into the program the love of God consumed my life and gave me a reason to change. I felt worthless.  I was always thinking about suicide and I didn’t care about anything or anyone.  When Jesus set me free he started to show me who I really am.  He gave me a life worth living and a reason to live.

So, I completed the one year program and then stayed on in student leader ship training for six months. My dad kept telling me about how awesome The River was and about the bible school. He said that the fire of God was burning so strong down here.

So the children of Israel, they accused God of deserting them and God plans his response carefully in verse 15.