Monica H. and Rudy H. Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

Monica H.

Since your show has been on, my mother has become so much stronger in the Lord. She has been thirsty for much more from God and we currently attend a church that does not let the spirit move like it should. But watching your show she has received the fire of God and is much stronger in God. Everyday she cannot wait for your show to come on! She looks forward to it every day. I thank you so much for this program. God bless all of you and pray for the Fire to rain down in our church in Modesto, California!

Rudy H.

Testimony? Alright, well i got saved at the river about a year ago, and about six months ago i started winning souls. Right now, I attend USF and I’m an intern in a ministry on campus, I started an evangelism based bible study on c…

First of all, mother love provides the ideal context in which moms can communicate spiritual values. Mother love is the perfect arena, it’s the perfect desire God has given moms to communicate spiritual values to your children.