Qaanita B. Testimony

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Ministers conference 2010 was a phenomenal uplifting experience.  I am reminded more and more how it doesn’t matter the circumstances we facing or what is going on, when we enter into the presence of God and allow Him to touch us situations and opposition fade away.  He draws us in and wraps us in His arms, His love is an all consuming fire.

With God all things are possible, but without Him our race is empty and to no avail.  In God’s presence there is fullness of joy.  His promises for us are always yes and Amen.  God is waiting us on to call upon Him and to submit ourselves to Him so He can bless us, so He can prosper us.  When we allow God the opportunity to do the work then our lives are limitless, there are no boundaries and the increase is seen as the fruit in our lives.

We are reminded that it is not by might or power, but by the spirit of the Lord.  During ministers conference there were a lot of anointed men and women of God who came to share with us.  When we draw from the knowledge and the anointing upon their lives, however different then we become enriched with the goodness of God’s omnipotent power.  That same power is available to all, including you and I if we would receive and trust God with our lives.  For we have been bought with a price and really our lives are not our own.